Employee Spotlight - Henry Nguyen

Written by:
Henry Nguyen
Published on:
April 23, 2024

1. What made you want to focus on working with nonprofits?

I always wanted to be a part of something greater than myself. I began volunteering at a young age and found it incredibly fulfilling to give back to the community and people around me. Last year, I began mixing my passion for technology and helping nonprofits. Since then, I’ve had a strong desire to continue empowering nonprofits with technology to help them achieve their goals!

2. How did you get started in the Salesforce ecosystem?

I began my journey in the Salesforce ecosystem as an intern at a Salesforce implementation partner. From there, I spent countless hours learning about the platform on Trailhead and from my mentors/peers. I began participating in projects with clients where I learned how to build systems that were scalable, and effective.

3. Do you have any advice for others looking to get into the ecosystem?

Talk to people who are already in the ecosystem and be curious! There are many different paths you can take in the Salesforce ecosystem, so figure out what suits you best and go from there. The best place to start would be on Trailhead, and to be involved in your local Salesforce community.

4. What made you want to join the Passion Fruit team?

I had heard many great things about the team at PFP before joining. It was a team that was great at what it did and also a team that loved the journey along the way. To me, the aspect that stands out the most about PFP is the care and dedication that goes into creating its great work culture. PFP is an amazing organization that has a razor-sharp focus on doing the best for our clients and our team. I am excited to be a part of a team that lives and breathes its core values every day.

Henry Nguyen